Annual Meeting Cancellation and Rescheduling

We regret to inform that the Annual Meeting scheduled for January 22nd has been cancelled. Unfortunately, the Silverlake Clubhouse will not be available due to the extreme cold weather forecasted for this week.

Your safety and comfort are our top priorities, and we appreciate your understanding and flexibility during this time.

We are currently working to secure a new date and time for the meeting and will communicate these details to you as soon as possible.

Thank you for your patience and cooperation. Stay warm and safe, and we look forward to connecting with you at the rescheduled meeting.

Upcoming Roadwork at Northfork Drive

Dear Residents,

The County is in the process of completing roadway repairs at Northfork Drive. A full reopening of Northfork Drive is anticipated to take place on or about 11/11/2024 (Monday). Miscellaneous roadwork activities will follow until the end of November. We appreciate the community’s patience and the support we have received from it’s members.


Mike Schmidt, PE

Important Traffic Update: Northfork Drive Lane Shift and Access Changes

Dear Residents,

The County is continuing to facilitate necessary roadway repairs at Northfork Drive.

The next and final phase of the project is to switch one-directional traffic from the active westbound lane to the newly completed eastbound lane. As such, vehicular travel on Northfork Drive will be restricted to the eastbound direction only and the Lawton Drive entrance/exit at Northfork Drive will be closed throughout the duration of work. Access to Edgewater Estates will be at Shelby Drive.

We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate everyone’s patience as we complete the necessary roadway repairs.

Anticipated Dates: 10-7-2024 to 10-28-2024.

National Night Out – October 1, 2024

Dear Residents,

Please see the attached flyer for information on National Night Out on October 1st, from 5:30pm to 7:30pm, at the Morgan Park Baseball Field. There will be food, drinks, games, and prizes! We hope to see you there.

ACC Applications Are Not Required for Requests Without Changes

Dear Residents,

Please be advised that ACC applications are not required for requests without changes. For example, replacing the same type of fence and stain, repainting the same color, etc.

However, if you are maintaining something that is NOT approved but previously modified, an application is required as it is still unapproved.

Thank You

Baby Pool Repair

Greetings Southwyck Homeowners,

Please be advised the baby pool requires repairs to the pump; therefore, it should not be used until the equipment is fixed.  Repairs were approved; however, the equipment and repair time is back-ordered and taking longer than expected.  Please do not use the baby pool at this time until repairs can be made.  We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you kindly for your patience.

The rest of the pool area is open so please feel free to enjoy.  Have a happy and safe July 4th weekend!

July 4th Pool Open

Greetings Southwyck IV Homeowners,

The Southwyck IV Pool will be open on July 4th and closed for cleaning Wednesday, July, 5th.

Thank you and happy swimming!

Friendly Reminder About Monthly Deed Restriction Inspections

Greetings Homeowners,

When out on monthly deed restriction inspections, this is just a friendly reminder not to approach my vehicle for your safety and mine.  Please do not block me in with your vehicle, knock on my windows or expect me to roll down my windows as I have been having issues with being stopped and it’s not safe for anyone when I’m watching for traffic, pedestrians and trying to perform my monthly inspection.  If you see me with my flashers on, driving slowly, I pull over for vehicles to get around me.  I also will not get out of my vehicle.  Thank you for your awareness and support.

Have a great weekend!